Should I Use Sunscreen for Face On Acne-Damaged Skin?

If you’ve ever had to deal with acne at any point in your life, you’ll probably already know what a chore it can be to manage. Whether talking about breakouts or the dark spots they leave behind, the ongoing issue can take a huge toll on your complexion. Then there’s the subject of sunscreen for face. Should you wear it when you’re constantly battling against blocked pores?
Living with acne from day to day, there are often times when you’ve got damaged or broken skin. It can seem a little counterintuitive to then apply sunscreen over the top. However, it is something you should be doing to avoid the signs of aging caused by UV rays and the key lies in choosing the right product.
Why Sunscreen for Face is Essential for Damaged or Broken Skin
If your skin becomes damaged and sensitive, it’s actually more vulnerable to UV rays than it would be in a healthy state. As such, it’s even more important that you wear sunscreen for face to protect yourself. If you don’t, UV exposure can make the irritation worse, as well as darkening acne scars.
Don’t forget that benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and retinoid products actually make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so it’s especially important for acne sufferers. Sunscreen acts as a protective barrier that needs to be refreshed every two hours throughout the time you’re outside.
“It’s Going to Sting When I Apply It Though, Right?”
It’s natural to assume that it’s going to be a bit uncomfortable when applying any kind of product over the top of broken skin, and when it comes to chemical sunscreens, you’re probably right. It’s going to sting a little. That’s because a) they need to be absorbed to work and b) they tend to contain aggravating fragrances and other chemicals like oxybenzone.
However, if you were to use a mineral-based brand, that’s much less likely to occur. They’re manufactured using benign ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that are far gentler to your face. That’s on top of the fact that they don’t need to be absorbed.
Wearing Sunscreen for Face is Always a Non-Negotiable
Regardless of whether you have acne or not, wearing sunscreen on your face each day is a non-negotiable requirement for anyone who wants to keep their skin looking young and wrinkle-free. If you’re dealing with regular breakouts and you skip this vital step, you’re only going to make things worse for your skin.
Use a sunscreen made from zinc oxide and you’ll have a comfortable experience while you’re enjoying effective sun protection. All that said, if you’re applying the product over broken skin you should be a little more careful. That means patting it on, rather than rubbing, but don’t be afraid to apply generously.
Include this type of sunscreen in your acne-control routine and you’ll also reduce the risk of darkening any scars your pimples cause and those pesky hyperpigmentation spots. So, the next time you’re thinking of skipping sunscreen because of a breakout, don’t. That extra effort is so worth it!